The McKinney-Vento Act is a federal law that identifies students as "homeless" and thus may have barriers to his/her education. A student qualifies as "homeless" if he/she is approved after completion of the "Current Living Questionnaire" or green form that is given by the school upon enrolling or starting a new year. The qualifications are as follows: 1. The student lives with more than one family in a house or apartment (ex. Lives with mother and grandmother); 2. The student lives with someone, including friends, who are "not" the legal parent/guardian. (ex. Lives with grandmother or another relative with no custody awarded.); 3. The student lives in a program operated by the state or private institution such as: Eagle Rock, 13th Place; 4. The student lives in a hotel, motel, or campsite; 5. The student has "no permanent" night time residence; 6. The student is under the care of "temporary" foster parents and/or DHR placement, such as a safety plan.
Look at the definition or qualfiications of homeless under the "overview" section.
A student does not qualify for homeless if he/she lives in a house or apartment with parent and step-parent and their sibilings. However, if the married couple were to live with another family or their parents/relatives then "doubled up" would apply.
All students who are identified automatically qualify for free meals. Also, if the school receives grant money some of those funds can go towards assisting students. The purpose of identification is to remove possible barriers to a students' education.
If the school system receives the competitive grant, those funds can go towards a variety of things: school supplies, school fees, field trip fees, technology fees, after school care programs, tutoring, ACT prep classes, etc. The system liason, along with other employees, develop a needs assessment and prioritize the greatest needs for students. In many instances, money is appropriated on a case by case basis (ex. needed clothing items after a house burns).
Locally, you can contact your system's homeless liason: Wesley Gulledge 256-305-1028
You can also go to
The National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth (NAEHCY) is a national membership association dedicated to educational excellence for children and youth experiencing homelessness. Through state and federal policy and technical assistance to our members, students, and the public, we change systems so all children and youth can learn, succeed academically, and achieve their dreams.